
Showing posts with the label DisasterManagement

Tips on the Best Backup Practices

  Data loss: every company learns to dread this term. No matter your industry, you handle data in some form or another. This data—all this information—serves as a foundation for your entire business. You cannot run a company without information about your clients, your finances, your employees, or even your daily coffee runs. (Okay, maybe not that last part, but you get the point!) We’re trying to emphasize on the importance of backing up your data, and doing it the right way. As experienced vendors of document management solutions (DMS), we’ve compiled some of the best practices to implement when backing up your files. We hope you find these tips insightful. Digitize Your Documents Alright, you can call us biased all you want, but it is a fact that paper documents are not secure! Managing paper documents is costly, space and time consuming, and most importantly, difficult to truly backup. Sure, there are facilities to physically backup your documents, but they come with downsides of t

The Paper Chase is On: Why Your Business Needs Cloud DMS to Stay Competitive

  Going paperless isn't just a trend; it's a critical step towards future-proofing your business. Enterprise content management software (ECM) , specifically cloud document management solutions (cloud DMS) , offers a powerful solution to overcome the limitations of traditional paper-based document management. Here's why clinging to paper can hold your business back: 1. Space Squeeze: Restricted Office Space Physical documents require dedicated storage space. Imagine the precious square footage your business could reclaim by eliminating paper archives and clunky filing cabinets. This freed-up space can be repurposed for collaboration areas, employee wellness zones, or even additional workstations. 2. Compliance Conundrums: Avoiding Paper-Based Pitfalls As your business grows, managing physical documents for compliance purposes becomes increasingly complex. Paper-based systems are prone to human error, making it difficult to ensure proper record