
Showing posts with the label Autolinkrecords

An Inside Look: How DMS Providers Operate with Cloud Technology

In today's digital age, many businesses are turning to Enterprise Content Management (ECM) software with integrated workflow automation tools . However, navigating the world of cloud document management solutions can seem daunting. This blog post offers an inside look at the typical process followed by DMS providers, aiming to shed light on what you can expect and alleviate any apprehension. A Collaborative and Transparent Journey The process with DMS providers is designed to be transparent, collaborative, and informative. Here's a breakdown of the typical steps involved: Document Digitization: The method of document digitization depends on your organization's size. For smaller businesses, on-site digitization at your premises (with your preference considered) is often an option. This process typically takes a few days. Larger organizations may require off-site digitization at a secure, regulated facility. This process can take seve

Tips on the Best Backup Practices

  Data loss: every company learns to dread this term. No matter your industry, you handle data in some form or another. This data—all this information—serves as a foundation for your entire business. You cannot run a company without information about your clients, your finances, your employees, or even your daily coffee runs. (Okay, maybe not that last part, but you get the point!) We’re trying to emphasize on the importance of backing up your data, and doing it the right way. As experienced vendors of document management solutions (DMS), we’ve compiled some of the best practices to implement when backing up your files. We hope you find these tips insightful. Digitize Your Documents Alright, you can call us biased all you want, but it is a fact that paper documents are not secure! Managing paper documents is costly, space and time consuming, and most importantly, difficult to truly backup. Sure, there are facilities to physically backup your documents, but they come with downsides of t