
Showing posts from January, 2019

Conquer Paperwork: Why Cloud DMS is Your Business Ally

Process of Document Management In today's digital age, paper documents can feel like a burden. Cloud document management solutions (cloud DMS) like ShareDocs Enterpriser offer a powerful alternative, transforming how businesses store, organize, secure, and access their critical information. But are cloud DMS truly essential for every business ? Let's explore the compelling reasons why the answer is a resounding yes. 1. Enhanced Document Security and Loss Prevention: Gone are the days of worrying about misplaced files or accidental damage. Cloud DMS solutions prioritize document security . ShareDocs Enterpriser utilizes robust encryption to safeguard your data, both at rest and in transit. Role-based access controls ensure only authorized personnel can view, edit, or download sensitive documents. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, and document loss. 2. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery: Imagine a sc