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5 Steps to Secure Document Management: Choosing the Right Cloud DMS with Robust Security Features

Everyone knows that data security is paramount in today's digital age. When choosing a document management solution (DMS) , security should be a top priority for your business. Cloud document management solutions (cloud DMS) offer a secure and convenient way to store and manage your documents, but selecting the right vendor with the proper security features is crucial. This blog post delves into  five key steps  to ensure you choose a  secure cloud DMS  for your organization:   Step 1: Scrutinize Data Transportation Measures Before scanning, your documents may need to be  transported  to the  cloud DMS provider's facility . Here's what to ask your vendor: Secure Transportation Protocols:  What  security measures  are in place during document transport? Are  secure containers  and  trackable routes  used? Who are the authorized personnel handling your documents?   Step 2: Deep Dive into Facility Security A secure  cloud DMS  goes bey