
Showing posts with the label DocumentManagementSystem

Working From Home? Cloud Document Management Solutions Are Your Remote Work Lifeline

  Illustration by Joshua Diniz In the wake of COVID-19 concerns, many companies are scrambling to implement remote working strategies. While this is a crucial step in slowing the spread of the virus, working from home can be a hurdle for companies without the proper infrastructure. Real-time document collaboration: Team members can work on documents simultaneously, seeing edits and updates instantly. This eliminates the need for emailing back-and-forth versions and ensures everyone has access to the latest information. Version control: Cloud DMS tracks every change made to a document, allowing you to revert to previous versions if needed. This eliminates confusion and ensures everyone is working on the correct document iteration. Secure document sharing: DMS allows you to share documents securely with colleagues and clients, even those outside your organization. You can set permission levels to control who can view, edit, or download documents. Wo