How to Introduce Mobile DMS to Your Coworkers.
Illustration by Joshua Diniz Introducing a DMS (or rather, even pitching the idea) can be a little daunting since most of your coworkers are used to their routine. In this article, we explore the process to help you bring everyone on the same side and implement a mobile DMS to benefit the company as well as your coworkers. Discuss Usage One of the core reasons for implementing a DMS is to solve a problem. Depending on the industry, this problem could look like many things. Typically, offices implement basic DMS in order to organize and digitize their documents. A mobile DMS can help reduce costs associated with travelling—or assist with remote work. Upon discussing as a team however, you can figure out what problems lie on the sidelines—make your coworkers feel part of the early discussion. Maintain Transparency DMS is a technology that will require employees to adapt to an updated workflow. It is natural for some to be unwelcoming to new change—that’s unavoidable. However, commun...