
Showing posts from April, 2020

How to Introduce Mobile DMS to Your Coworkers.

Illustration by Joshua Diniz Introducing a DMS (or rather, even pitching the idea) can be a little daunting since most of your coworkers are used to their routine. In this article, we explore the process to help you bring everyone on the same side and implement a mobile DMS to benefit the company as well as your coworkers. Discuss Usage One of the core reasons for implementing a DMS is to solve a problem. Depending on the industry, this problem could look like many things. Typically, offices implement basic DMS in order to organize and digitize their documents. A mobile DMS can help reduce costs associated with travelling—or assist with remote work.  Upon discussing as a team however, you can figure out what problems lie on the sidelines—make your coworkers feel part of the early discussion. Maintain Transparency DMS is a technology that will require employees to adapt to an updated workflow. It is natural for some to be unwelcoming to new change—that’s unavoidable. However, communicat

The Benefits of Using DMS for Financial Advisors

Working in finance is a gateway towards piling stacks of documents. Financial advisors particularly have niche expectations to fulfill; having a heap of paperwork, cross referencing files while on call, and going back and forth with a client all day long are only a few glaring problems. But what if we told you there’s a solution? A document management solution (or DMS for short) can help you solve these problems from their root cause: a DMS organizes data in a central location, all digitally, while providing you with a host of features that are targeted to help you become more efficient financial advisors. Here’s how DMS can benefit your company. Instant access to client information DMS makes it easy to store data in a repository which can be searched and accessed instantly. Scanning client documents and uploading them to a DMS ensures that you can access them from a single location. DMS also allows you to look through a document’s tags & its metadata. That way you never need to ru