
Showing posts from September, 2018

ShareDocs Enterpriser Wins the Coveted Rising Star Award 2018 from Finances Online!

2018 kicked off as a year of recognition and appreciation. However, the icing on the cake is the ‘Rising Star Award’ that ShareDocs Enterpriser received from Finances Online – a trustworthy software directory that guides business, big and small, to choose the best software for their requirements. Earlier this month, the team at Finances Online approached us to evaluate our document management solution and pitch it against world-class document management software that most businesses swear by. Their team of industry experts studied the product in detail and noted observations about ShareDocs Enterpriser’s viability and application in today’s market. This is what the review says in a nutshell, “ShareDocs Enterprises promises smooth and hassle-free set-up and implementation and boasts of full data security. Its data protection measures include the use of HTTPS protocol, document auto-encryption, and authenticated user logins using active directory among others. Its customizable archit

Unleash Efficiency: Enterprise Document Management and Workflow Automation

  In today's digital revolution, enterprise document management (EDM) is no longer a luxury, it's a necessity. Businesses are rapidly transitioning from paper-based systems to digital workflows. This shift demands enterprise content management software (ECM) that streamlines document storage, retrieval, and collaboration. Introducing Document Management Systems (DMS): A Document Management System (DMS) acts as the central hub for your organization's digital documents. It goes beyond simply storing files; DMS empowers you with intelligent features to manage and automate document lifecycles. Benefits of DMS: Effortless Document Retrieval: Forget spending hours sifting through file cabinets. DMS allows you to find any document instantly using keywords, content searches, or tags. Enhanced Security: DMS prioritizes data security. User access controls, encryption, and audit trails ensure only authorized personnel can view and modify documents. Streamlined Workflows: