How to Save Time & Boost Efficiency using Cloud DMS and Online Workflow Automation Solution


Save Time with DMS and Workflow Automation

We’ll start by saying: ‘Time is of essence.’

We believe that every wasted minute is wasted potential. We’re not the kind of people who think that every office minute should be spent working; that’s just a recipe for a mental health disaster. Instead, we have a different perspective on saving time. We want our employees to work smarter, cut down on unnecessarily wasted time, and allocate their best abilities towards the tasks that would truly benefit from their time and energy.

Our product, ShareDocs Enterpriser, is a DMS (document management solution for short) that we personally use for our daily operations at work. This is how our DMS helps us save time and boost our overall efficiency to help us work smarter, not harder.

Search Smarter

It is a well acknowledged fact that employees tend to spend more than 3 hours a week searching for documents which they ultimately fail to find. This research supported by IDC suggests that traditional means of document management (paper documents, file cabinets) makes your employees waste their valuable time (and thus, break their workflow) in order to find relevant documents. 

Implementing a DMS counters this age-old ‘Where’s Waldo’ office problem by giving your employees the ability to find the required file from a centralized database of files stored in the cloud or your office server. All DMS vendors offer search features that allow you to conveniently and instantly retrieve any file. Our DMS comes with a robust search feature that allows you to search through tags, metadata, and keywords within all documents—you won’t have to sacrifice your productivity ever again.

Collaborate Better

Working together on paper files has a lot of limitations. Most of the time, you have to play the waiting game while documents are being handed off, processed, and approved. Additionally, collaborating with your coworkers often includes repetitive procedures and tasks that waste a lot of time.

With the help of a DMS, you can seamlessly transfer files between people and departments. You can attach useful notes through comments, instantly handoff files to one another, edit and approve, as well as track changes in real time (or rollback to previous versions in the case of errors or deletion).

Automate Routine Ops

There’s barely anything more time consuming than manual, repetitive tasks that are vital (and thus compulsory) for your company’s well functioning. A majority of these manual, repetitive tasks are in the realm of data entry; thankfully, DMS can automate all of this.

Depending on your needs and current routine, you can set up your DMS to automate a lot of repetitive activities to free up your employees’ time. You can approach your IT department to set this up—or if you can’t do that, your DMS provider will be happy to do so for you!

Want to know more about how DMS can help bring efficiency in the functioning of your office? Have a look at our blog to find out. If you want to implement a robust DMS, contact us here. We would love to know more about you and your company—we can help you make the best choice!


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