4 Steps to Build an Ideal Electronic Workflow with Cloud DMS and Automation Tools

Illustration by Joshua Diniz

In its simplest form, a workflow is a systematic process. Deeper yet, it's an orchestrated series of steps that transform and process information. In the context of business, enterprise content management software (ECM) utilizes cloud document management solutions (cloud DMS) to streamline workflows and automate repetitive tasks.

This blog post unpacks the creation of an ideal electronic workflow, offering practical tips to boost efficiency for your organization:

Step 1: Chart Your Current Course

The first step to building an electronic workflow is surprisingly simple: understand your existing processes. Think of it as identifying opportunities for automation. You're digitizing repetitive tasks for greater efficiency.

Map it Out: Here's how to lay the foundation for your digital workflow:

  • Document Processes: Identify the stages each document goes through (e.g., invoice approval, contract review).
  • Workflow Participants: Include the individuals involved in each stage (e.g., accounts payable team, legal department).
  • Software and Tools: Identify the programs used in your current workflow (e.g., email, spreadsheets).

Step 2: Identify Bottlenecks

Now, let's diagnose the pain points in your current system. Ask yourself:

  • Time-consuming Steps: Where does your workflow slow down due to manual tasks?
  • Communication Gaps: Are there any communication breakdowns between team members?
  • Version Control Issues: Do you struggle with multiple versions of the same document?

Step 3: Leverage Cloud DMS and Workflow Automation

This is where a cloud DMS vendor becomes your partner. Cloud DMS offers features like:

  • Centralized Document Repository: Store all documents in a secure, accessible location.
  • Version Control: Maintain a complete audit trail of document revisions.
  • Automated Routing and Approval Workflows: Eliminate manual routing and streamline approvals.
  • Task Management: Assign tasks and track progress within the workflow.

By leveraging cloud DMS and workflow automation tools, you can:

  • Reduce manual work and free up employee time for higher-value tasks.
  • Improve communication and collaboration between teams.
  • Ensure data security and compliance with regulations.

Step 4: Execute and Optimize

The final step is putting your new workflow into action. As your cloud DMS vendor, we ensure everything functions smoothly. On your end, technical training for your employees is key. Workflow automation can be a learning curve, so be patient and incentivize the learning process. Witness your team embrace the benefits of a digital workflow.

Ready to Streamline Your Business?

If you're struggling with traditional workflows and are looking to transition to a digital office, a cloud DMS with built-in workflow automation tools can be a game-changer. We recommend our product, ShareDocs Enterpriser, but the key takeaway is this: Embrace cloud DMS and workflow automation to unlock a new level of efficiency for your organization. Contact us today to learn more!

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