The High Cost of Paper: 4 Consequences of Poor Document Management

Consequences of Poor Document Management

In today's digital age, clinging to paper-based document management can significantly hinder your organization's efficiency and security. Enterprise document management (EDM) solutions powered by enterprise content management software (ECM) offer a powerful alternative. Here are 4 damaging consequences of poor document management you can avoid with a DMS:

1. Version Control Chaos: Errors Cost Millions

Imagine sending an outdated contract – a costly mistake easily avoided with a document management system. A robust DMS tracks document versions, ensuring you always share the latest iteration. This can prevent financial disasters – a single outdated document costing a production company up to $1.3 million per hour!

2. Security Breaches: Legal and Financial Risks

Unsecured physical documents expose your organization to legal and financial risks. Business process automation solutions like DMS prioritize data security. Features like access controls and encryption safeguard sensitive information, ensuring compliance with regulations and protecting your valuable documents.

3. The Hidden Costs of Paper: Beyond Filing Cabinets

Many businesses mistakenly believe physical document storage is cheaper than a DMS. However, filing cabinets and binders incur significant costs. A single cabinet can cost up to $25,000 with annual maintenance exceeding $2,000! A good DMS eliminates these expenses and streamlines document storage.

4. Disaster Recovery: Safeguarding Your Information

Physical documents are vulnerable to fire, floods, or natural disasters. A DMS mitigates this risk by storing scanned copies of your documents securely in the cloud. This ensures business continuity even in unforeseen circumstances. Most DMS vendors, like us, also offer secure storage for your physical documents for added peace of mind.

Embrace Efficiency and Security with a DMS

Paper-based document management can cripple your organization. Implementing a business process automation solution with enterprise content management software like ShareDocs Enterpriser empowers you with secure, efficient document management.

Ready to ditch the paper chase? Contact us today to see how ShareDocs Enterpriser can streamline your document workflows and unlock the benefits of digital transformation.

Check our website for different business goals -  Compliance and Governance , Disaster Management, Scalability and Transparency, Increased Productivity 


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