
Cloud DMS: A Guide to a Smooth Transition for Your Business

The allure of a cloud document management solution (cloud DMS) is undeniable: remote access, custom workflows , automated processes , and a centralized repository for all your documents. However, transitioning from your current system, especially if it's paper-based or an on-premise DMS, can be a significant change for your organization. This blog post aims to equip you with the knowledge to navigate this transition smoothly. Here are key considerations before moving to a cloud DMS: 1. Identifying Business Needs: The first step is to clearly define your business needs. Are you a paper-based organization struggling with document organization and retrieval? Or are you using an on-premise DMS that lacks features like optical character recognition (OCR) or workflow automation tools required for your current document lifecycle? Jot down the drawbacks of your existing system and identify cloud DMS features that can address those pain points. For example, OCR